Title: | Facemasks for the family |
Date: | Mar 2020 |
Original Size: | adult |
Notes: | Facemasks for the family - having made mine. Glazed cotton or secondhand shirting with curtain lining on the inside. Pattern from https://www.instructables.com/id/DIY-Cloth-Face-Mask/ - I made the simpler version, but this site also has a version with a pocket for an extra filter. These were made for the family - not difficult but take about half an hour or so each - if I were selling them I'd need to charge at least £5 each to cover my time and the materials |
Groups: | Textile garments |
Original Artwork: | Not available |
Prints Available For: | £0.0 |
Cards: | £0.0 |
Postcards: | £0.0 |